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Trust the Leading DWI Attorneys in Texas with Proven Expertise, a Strong Track Record, and Personalized Strategies to Safeguard Your Future Against DWI Charges.

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Assault is dangerous. While all acts of physical violence are dangerous, in Texas, Assault charges can be based solely on a verbal allegation. Physical evidence is not required, and often absent. This creates a dangerous situation for the accused....

Everyone charged with DWI in Texas, even first-time offenders, faces a minimum of 6 months in jail. Texas DWI Penalties are severe. First-time DWI offenders face up to 1 year in jail, a $6,000.00 fine, court costs, a driver license suspension, and a permanent criminal conviction. Aggravating factors increase fine...

WHAT IS PUBLIC INTOXICATION IN TEXAS? The Texas law against public intoxication prohibits appearing in a public place while intoxicated to the point of endangering oneself or another. What is the legal limit for intoxication in Texas? Texas Penal Code Section Section 49.01 defines “intoxication” in two ways: (1) a...

WHAT IS DISORDERLY CONDUCT IN TEXAS? Texas law prohibiting disorderly conduct criminalizes behavior that breaches the peace. Such behavior includes vulgar language, offensive gestures, creating harmful chemical odors, loud noise, fighting, nudity, or displaying or discharging a firearm. While most of the conduct prohibited by the disorderly conduct statute is...

Yes -- DWI charges show up on a background check forever in Texas. If the DWI was dismissed without probation, it is eligible for deletion through expunction. DWI convictions can now be sealed in certain circumstances with an order of nondisclosure....
An Occupational Driver License (ODL), also referred to as an essential need license, is a special type of restricted Texas Driver License issued during a period of suspension or revocation. An ODL authorizes a Texas driver to operate any non-commercial motor vehicle in connection with work, school, or other essential...
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The Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States granted women the right to vote. WHAT IS THE TEXT OF THE NINETEENTH AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION? U.S. Const. Amend. XIX. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United...

The Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibited the production, transportation, and sale of intoxicating liquors in the United States and its territories. Ratified on January 16, 1919, it was the culmination of decades of labor by temperance groups across the nation. The Amendment initially led to a reduction...

The Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States provides for the direct elections of senators to the United States Senate for each individual state in the country. The Constitutional Amendment supersedes the previous mechanism in Article I, Section 3 whereby state legislatures elected Senators. Dissatisfaction with the previous...


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Legal Insights Unveiled:
Your Path to Clarity

Results matter when life and livelihood are on the line. DWI arrests are warrantless arrests, and the State is legally bound to a burden of proving the charge beyond all reasonable doubt.

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